Onsite behavioral health services are available at the MNPS Employee Wellness Center at Berry Hill only
Need help with a behavioral health or emotional concern? Our onsite behavioral health nurse practitioners and/or onsite psychologist can help with a range of issues.
Our behavioral health NPs can assist with the following concerns and will work with you to assess your problem, develop a care plan, provide a counseling referral when appropriate, prescribe medication if indicated, monitor your progress, adjust your treatment and/or medication regimen as needed, and collaborate with your primary care provider (PCP) as needed:
Anxiety and depression
Grief and other emotional problems
Relationships at work and home
Substance abuse and misuse (including referrals for more involved treatment, such as detox or rehab)
And more
Services offered by our onsite psychologist include:
ADHD diagnosis
Adult and child
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adolescent, adult
Learning disabilities
Adult (This service may be appropriate for adults struggling with job performance and concerned about a possible learning disability or cognitive processing disorder.)
Career assessment
Adult (This service may be appropriate for employees struggling in their current positions and wishing to explore positions that might be a better fit).
Scheduling an appointment
You will need a referral from one of our primary care providers to make an appointment with our behavioral health NPs or psychologist. If you wish to make an appointment, call 615-259-8755 or schedule an appointment online.
Additional support: Your EAP
As an MNPS employee (support or certificated), you and your household family members have access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) called GuidanceResources. It can help with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship and marital conflicts, job pressures, and legal and financial concerns. Services are free and completely confidential. You don’t have to be enrolled in MNPS insurance and you may begin using the EAP on your first day of active employment. Call or click 24/7:
1-888-297-9028 (TTY: 1-800-697-0353)
guidanceresources.com (user name: MNPS; password: EAP)
App: GuidanceNow (available at App Store and Google Play)