With the scale-back of in-person events in 2020-22, webinars were king! In fact, there were likely more webinars than you had time to attend. Now you can easily access recordings of our most popular webinars. Check them out below.
Substance abuse disorder (new MyHealth bundle)
Presented by: Vanderbilt Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Postpartum recovery (at any age!)
Presented by: Ascension St. Thomas
For: All MNPS employees
Presented by: Ascension St. Thomas
For: All MNPS employees
Presented by: Synchronous Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
MyHealth Bundles for musculoskeletal pain
Presented by: Vanderbilt Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
It takes a village: support on your family-building journey
Presented by Progyny
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Dispelling the myths of counseling
Presented by: Synchronous Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
MyHealth Bundles for weight loss
Presented by: Vanderbilt Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Better sleep is possible (webinar #2)
Presented by: Synchronous Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Plant-based eating made easy
Presented by: Foodsmart
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Mental health in men: Disrupting the stigma
Presented by Synchronous Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Understanding your fertility benefits
Presented by Progyny
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Presented by Synchronous Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Presented by Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network
For: All interested MNPS employees and their family members
Presented by: GuidanceResources
For: All MNPS employees and their family members
Better sleep is possible (part 1)
Presented by: Synchronous Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Same-sex couples & single fathers by choice
Presented by: Progyny
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Presented by: Foodsmart
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Presented by: Synchronous Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Walking for better mental health
Presented by: GuidanceResources
For: All MNPS employees and their family members
Grow fresh food at home for beginners
Presented by: Foodsmart
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Presented by: Progyny
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Animated video that explains how bundles work
MNPS employee’s experience with MyMaternityHealth
Presented by: Vanderbilt Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Presented by: Synchronous Health
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
COVID vaccine and trying to conceive
Presented by: Progyny
For: Certificated Employee Health Plan enrollees
Presented by: GuidanceResources
For: All MNPS employees and their family members
Presented by: GuidanceResources
For: All MNPS employees and their family members